Yuwei Li (李玉玮)

I obtained my Ph.D. degree from ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, advised by Jingyi Yu at VDI. My research focuses on parametric hand modeling and high-quality human reconstruction. Prior to my doctoral studies, I spent two years conducting interactive graphics research with Youyi Zheng. I obtained my BE in Computer Science from Shanghai University, China.

My research interests include computer vision and computer graphics, in particular, Motion Capture, Skeleton Animation, Body/Hand Tracking, and Reconstruction. For more details about my academic and research background, please see my CV.


Email: liyw@@alumni.shanghaitech.edu.cn | Github: reyuwei | LinkedIn: yuwei17


SCULPTOR: Skeleton-Consistent Face Creation Using a Learned Parametric Generator
Zesong Qiu*, Yuwei Li*, Dongming He*, Qixuan Zhang, Longwen Zhang, Yinghao Zhang, Jingya Wang, Lan Xu, Xudong Wang, Yuyao Zhang, Jingyi Yu
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2022 Journal Track

NIMBLE: A Non-rigid Hand Model with Bones and Muscles
Yuwei Li, Longwen Zhang, Zesong Qiu, Yingwenqi Jiang, Nianyi Li, Yuexin Ma, Yuyao Zhang, Lan Xu, Jingyi Yu
SIGGRAPH 2022 Journal Track

PIANO:A Parametric Hand Bone Model from Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Yuwei Li, Minye Wu, Yuyao Zhang, Lan Xu, Jingyi Yu
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2021

IREM: A novel Image Scanning strategy for achieving High-resolution Magnetic Resonance (MR) Image via Implicit Neural Representation
Qing Wu, Yuwei Li, Lan Xu, Ruiming Feng, Hongjiang Wei, Qing Yang, Boliang Yu, Xiaozhao Liu, Jingyi Yu, Yuyao Zhang
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2021

AutoSweep: Recovering 3D Editable Objects from a Single Photograph
Xin Chen, Yuwei Li, Xi Luo, Tianjia Shao, Jingyi Yu, Kun Zhou, Youyi Zheng
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics (TVCG), 2018

Using Visualization to improve Clustering Analysis on Heterogeneous Information Network
Wenbo Wang, Yuwei Li, Xiaopei Liu, Feng Wang, Youyi Zheng
International Conference Information Visualisation, 2018

SweepCanvas: Sketch-based 3D Prototyping on a Depth Image
Yuwei Li, Xi Luo, Youyi Zheng, Pengfei Xu, Hongbo Fu
The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2017


Research Scientist Intern @ Meta Reality Labs 2022.8-2022.11
I was a full-time research scientist intern at Meta Reality Labs in Pittsburgh, where I worked with the Codec Avatar Team to help improve full body tracking results from multiview scans.

R&D Intern @ DGene 2018.7-2019.10
I was a full-time research and development intern at DGene Digital Technology, where I participated in a mobile virtual fitting project and dynamic human reconstruction under multiview setting.

Yuwei Li